Engineering Recommendations Save NYC Cancer Center $1M/Yr and 1,200 MWh

utiliVisor Improves The Energy Efficiency of a Major Cancer Center in NYC
This Premier Cancer Center provides patient care, research and educational programs along with being staffed by the world’s best physicians and scientists. The facilities are constantly renovating and expanding to meet the growing needs of their patients in their fight against cancer.
With a combined total chilled water generation capacity of 23,000 tons, the district energy plant utilizes both Steam and Electric Chillers to produce chilled water to over one million square feet of hospital and research facilities. This private cancer center turned to utiliVisor to help reduce its multi-million dollar energy bill through energy efficiency.
utiliVisor’s Energy Plant Services began implementation at the largest of the plant’s in the district energy system in 2007. utiliVisor has since been expanded to all of the plants in the system as well as the air handling units at the research labs to provide truly “end-to-end” continuous energy oversight.
utiliVisor Implementation
Operating engineers at utiliVisor’s state-of-the-art operations center use the utiliVisor web based plant analysis platform to recommend the most energy efficient operating strategies to the plant staff without sacrificing comfort at the hospital or mission critical research conditions at the labs. utiliVisor engineers’ recommendations to staff at this New York Cancer hospital included:
- Maximize Free Cooling by adjusting condenser water flows
- Sequence Chillers based on part load performance and cost
- Optimize chilled water loop by correcting chilled water flow
- Reconfigure the hydraulic bypass
utiliVisor’s unique monitoring system offers the most accurate way to measure plant performance. Monitoring enables the Plant staff and utiliVisor to view the energy efficiency of the individual systems and the plant as a whole – justifying energy upgrades with real data and cost calculations.
Upgrades to the District Energy Plant
utiliVisor monitoring justified upgrading systems at the district energy plant using real time consumption and cost data. utiliVisor data analysis enabled the hospital to receive funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to upgrade it’s:
- Variable pumping system from a primary-secondary loop
- Steam Control Panels on its chillers
utiliVisor also secured a $198,000 incentive from NYSERDA for reducing energy consumption by 1.2 million kWh in the first year
The Results
utiliVisor implementation began in the summer of 2007. Since then utiliVisor has achieved considerable energy efficiency improvements, translating to $3.7 million, or about $1 million per year, in verified cost savings.
Energy Oversight + Insight
Industry: Healthcare
Location: New York, NY
Central Chiller Plant: 23,000 tons
Implementation: utiliVisor Energy Plant Services
Annual Savings: $1,000,000
About utiliVisor
Your tenant submetering and energy plant optimization services are an essential part of your operation. You deserve personalized energy insights from a team that knows buildings from the inside out, applies IoT technology and is energized by providing you with accurate data and energy optimization insights. When you need experience, expertise, and service, you need utiliVisor on your side, delivering consistent energy and cost-saving strategies to you. What more can our 40 years of experience and historical data do for you? Call utiliVisor at 212-260-4800 or visit