Report your ESG emissions data with confidence.
Get auditable documentation of your property's greenhouse gas emissions from the leaders in submetering services.
Today, the building sector is recognized as a significant producer of carbon emissions. As sustainability becomes more material to the market, ESG (environmental, social, and governance) reporting is becoming a key performance indicator in commercial real estate. For some, reporting ESG data may soon shift from a company initiative to a regulatory requirement.
Although ESG reporting requirements aren't standardized yet, one thing is sure: Your ESG report is only as good as the data it’s made from.
If your utility consumption isn't submetered – isn't broken down by service area and validated regularly for accuracy – then everything based on that data is precarious. Protect your capital, your time, and your reputation by tracking and validating your energy consumption and efficiency measures.
Why submetering is key to ESG
Utility master meters provide information about building energy usage as a whole, not by service area or time of day (day vs. night, weekday vs. weekend). Yet energy consumption varies widely by area, day of the week, and season. Submetering fills this gap, helping you visualize how much energy is being used, when, and where.
Submetering tells you:
How much energy is really being consumed?
When is it being consumed?
Where is it being consumed?
Get documented proof of energy consumption
The difference between what the utility's invoice reports and what's actually been consumed (and where) is not a simple formula. You can't just divide a building utility bill by a tenant's square footage to know how much energy that part of the building is consuming. Each space has its own unique characteristics and consumption profile.
utiliVisor's submetering and monitoring services close the gap between how much the utility invoices for and the auditable documentation you and your stakeholders need to file accurate ESG reports.
Trusted By Our Customers
How utiliVisor supports your ESG needs
Capturing data from all utility sources
Validating readings and system communications
Providing documentation of nulls and other common meter faults
Standardizing data formatting for export into any ESG software
"The team at utiliVisor is able to trend the way we operate, take all that data, forecast the next month or so, and give us suggestions on how we can operate or achieve the same results and still save.”
"utiliVisor is able to notify us that we should start retailing demand because today might be a capacity tag day. They'll suggest, 'Why don't you guys switch over to the steam chillers? It's going to be more economical to run the steam chillers today than the electric machines.
"Because they're looking at all the plant information in real time and they have 10 years of operational history of all this equipment, they're able to make very targeted and actionable recommendations for us."
"One thing I learned a long time ago is you can make all the improvements you want. But if you don't continually look at it, manage it, validate it, and ensure that those performance improvements that you've made are in place and continuing to provide you savings, then you'll very quickly, within a year or so – I've seen it happen – you will go back to where you used to be before."
Get energy data you can rely on
Get 100% accurate, auditable documentation of energy usage from the leaders in submetering and energy optimization.
For over 40 years, utiliVisor has been providing expert energy guidance to large commercial properties, universities, and hospitals. Any system, any equipment, any lease terms – we've seen it all.
What can our experience and service do for you?
Want a demo? Contact us!
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